Dear Friends,
In the four months since we have left Alotau, I've seen really exciting and thought-provoking pieces appearing under our fellows' bylines. I was lucky enough to see a few of you in Fiji, and I am always so happy when I see your names pop up in my email inbox.
This blog was an experiment, and I am very pleased with how it went. I hope my successor can pick it up (or perhaps one of you will?) and help it grow.
As you all know, I am moving to a new position with COMPASS, where I will be the new assistant director of science outreach. My contact information is not changing for now, and I hope you will each continue to include me in your lives and your work.
I wish you all the best,

07 December, 2007

Daily Brief from Bali - Friday, 7 December

"Prove You're a Leader - Commit to an Ambitious Bali Mandate", WWF

THE LATEST - We need to see real leadership here in Bali. Government delegations must cut emissions from the rich, one third below 1990 levels by 2020. The political momentum is building. The EU, who committed in March 2007 to a cut of up to 30 percent, is being joined by
others in its ambition. Several emerging economies are supporting formal negotiations and have promised to do their fair share.

THE QUOTE - "Balimust be the "We Do" summit - we can come to an agreement, we can cut emissions, and we can slow the impacts of dangerous climate change," says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF's Global Climate Change Programme. "Leaders must agree a formal BaliMandate - not a roadmap to nowhere, but a highway to stopping dangerous climate

1 comment:

Ricardo Morris said...

Liz, how much of a "victory" do you think can Asia and the Pacific win at Bali realistically?